All About Implants St. Augustine FL

by | Feb 27, 2013 | Dentists

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Do you live in St. Augustine FL? Do you suspect or know that you are in need of dental implants? Then you should begin a search for dental care providers which can give you implants St. Augustine FL. Read on to learn more about implants St. Augustine FL.

Questions about Implants

  • What are implants? Implants are artificial roots that your oral surgeon can then place a crown or bridge on top of.
  • What is a crown? A crown is a tooth replacement that is made of a restoration material such as gold or stainless steel.
  • What is a cap? A cap is just like a crown, except it is made from a material like porcelain or composites that is the same color as teeth are.
  • Do I need implants? You probably need implants if you need teeth replaced, whether you have lost a tooth through an accident or injury or are missing a tooth.
  • Who is qualified to give me implants? An oral surgeon is qualified to carry out the implant procedure. Often times, a dental hygienist or dental lab technician will assist the oral surgeon in the procedure.
  • What are the benefits of implants? Implants have many benefits, the most obvious of which is aesthetic. However, a more important benefit of implants is that they can improve the health of your mouth. Missing teeth are dangerous to your gums, as they expose them to damage from hard or sharp foods, and can also cause your surrounding teeth to be subjected to greater impact while chewing or biting.
  • Which should I choose? This decision is up to you. However, there are pros and cons to each. Crowns are more noticeable, as they are made of metals that are a different color than your teeth, but they are also more sturdy overall and will provide more support and comfort. Caps are less noticeable and blend in with your teeth, but may be less sturdy.

Before You Go
Before you go to an oral surgeon to get implants in St. Augustine FL area, make sure to check out their reputation and the testimonials of their current patients. If their patients are satisfied and speak highly of them, this is a good sign. Also, look at before and after galleries of their implant procedures, if they have them, to see the quality of work they do.

For people with missing teeth, having a dental implant can mean the difference between having a confident smile or one that is hidden from the world. For more information, visit St. John’s Family Dentistry online!


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