Just because braces weren’t recommended or desired in youth doesn’t mean adults have to go through life with crooked smiles. Adult braces Minneapolis specialists offer a variety of options that can help anyone enjoy the smile they’ve dreamed of.
Getting adult braces in Minneapolis isn’t as difficult or costly as many might think either. The truth is about one in five orthodontics patients in America are adults and the results are stunning once treatments are complete.
What to Expect from Adult Braces
The first step to a straight smile at any age is making an appointment with an orthodontist. From there, the doctor can help determine the extent of the work that needs to be done and the type of braces that best suit the personal circumstance. In some cases it might even be recommended that adult braces Minneapolis options aren’t the only choice for obtaining a straighter, more perfect style.
The options available for transforming a smile do depend a lot on the case in question. For adults, the orthodontist may recommend traditional braces, orthodontic surgery, expanders or a host of other measures. Should adult braces Minneapolis be recommended, it’s quite possible clear orthodontia will do the trick. That means braces will technically be used, but they will be quite difficult for others to see and they can be removed as necessary for eating, cleaning and so on.
When to Call for a Braces Consultation
Adults interested in correcting the alignment of their teeth will find any time is a great time to contact an orthodontist. Those who specialize in working with adults offer a variety of options and tend to be quite flexible in appointment and payment options. The first step is making that call. These are signs it’s time to do so:
*Self-consciousness about a smile – If crooked teeth stop a full smile from coming out, making that call is long overdue.
*Difficulty with brushing or flossing – Unusually spaced teeth can make proper dental care difficult. If this is a concern, an orthodontist can help.
Adult braces Minneapolis provide more options that many realize and they’re more affordable than many think, as well. The first step in obtaining the smile of your dreams is picking up the phone and making an appointment. Kottemann Orthodontics is here to help. Just give us a call today! Your smile will thank you for it.