When a person loses a tooth due to a dental extraction or an accident, they often do not worry about replacing the tooth. Especially, if the lost tooth is in the back of their mouth and unable to be seen by other people. While they may only consider the aesthetic...
Causes of Toothaches
If you have tooth pain, there can be several causes of the discomfort. Below is a brief list of the most common causes of toothaches and what should be done if you are experiencing pain. Cavity or Tooth Decay If you are experiencing a toothache in West Loop, chances...
Finding A New Dentist When You And Your Family Relocate
Regardless of whether you move from one side of town to the other; or from one side of the country to the other, it means you will have a long “to do” list at both ends. When you arrive in your new home the first order of the day is unpacking, then comes organizing...
Why Is Seeing A Dentist Regularly Important?
Let’s face it – no one likes visiting the dentist. Just the thought of drills, needles, and sterile instruments in our mouth can make some of us go running for cover. It’s a necessary part of our overall health regime, though, to visit a dentist regularly. Your...
The Different Types Of Orthodontic Appliances
An orthodontist in Downers Grove has a number of different appliances that he or she can use to align teeth or the jaw. These appliances are available in different styles depending on the orthodontic issue that needs to be corrected. The appliances that are available...