In this day and age the perfect smile can seem like a nearly impossible goal to attain. Smile imperfections can happen for so many reasons, for instance: some people were born with a gap in their tooth, others may have stains because of tobacco or medication use, and...
Alvaro Altieri
Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Veneers
Veneers are basically custom shaped pieces of material, most commonly porcelain that are cemented onto your teeth and used to help correct a cosmetic defect. From covering small gaps, chips, and fractures, to correcting discoloration, veneers are a popular method of...
What to Know About Professional Teeth Whitening in Baltimore City
Part of dental treatments can include treatments to help a person have a smile that is white and bright as possible. To have this, a person can use Professional Teeth Whitening in Baltimore City. This treatment enables a person to lighten teeth to a natural color or...
Dentists Teach Preventative Dental Care in Meadows NY
When someone smiles at you with beautiful white teeth, don't just wish you had them, visit a dentist and get your own beautiful smile. Dentistry is so much easier on the patient today than it was years ago, and it's also much easier for the dentist. With advanced...
Seeking Services From Dentistry in Indianapolis IN Can Stop Tooth Pain
When a tooth causes excruciating pain, it can be difficult for a person to find relief. Though there are oral medications and topical solutions that can be used, these rarely offer full relief when a tooth has become severely damaged due to an infection. Abscesses in...